Kenosha Wedding Caterers
Cities Near Kenosha, WI
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South Milwaukee
Union Grove
Wedding Vendors
Now showing 6 wedding caterers in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
1. Danish Brotherhood Lodge
2206 63rd St
Kenosha, WI
(262) 657-9781
2. Derango the Pizza King
2135 31st St
Kenosha, WI
(262) 658-8450
3. Mark's Catering
302 58th St
Kenosha, WI
(262) 657-1166
4. Polish Legion of American Vets
4902 7th Ave
Kenosha, WI
(262) 652-0337
5. Swedish American Club
7002 30th Ave
Kenosha, WI
(262) 654-9810
6. Tenuta's Italian Restaurant
7321 60th Ave
Kenosha, WI
(262) 697-7650